Top 6 Mistakes Applicants Make in MBA Application

MBA Application Mistake 1:-  Speaking in a general manner onlyThis is actually one of the most common mistakes made by MBA applicants. Many tend to write global narratives about the climate crisis, poverty, and other social evils in their essays. These issues are important

MBA Application Mistake 2:-  Keep it to examples only There will be many questions in your application that will ask you to describe a situation or a period of your life.

MBA Application Mistake 3:  Poor English Your MBA application is not a test of how good your English is. But, if you think about it, you are going into this degree expecting to have managerial positions offered to you by the end of it.

MBA Application Mistake 4: -   Missing the logical bridge An important part of your application essays is explaining your long-term and short-term goals. Even if it is not asked directly it is expected that your various answers will outline your career trajectory.

MBA Application Mistake 5: -  Only concentrating on certain parts It is a bit obvious to think that the essays and references of your application carry the most weight.

MBA Application Mistake 6: -   Describing volunteer work This is somewhat connected to the first point in this article. When you are being asked to describe your volunteer experience the AdCom doesn’t really care how many poor people you helped at an NGO

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