Top 12 Creative Hobbies That Will Make You Better at Your Job 

Painting -  If you are overstressed or worked up, you can simply take a painting kit and paint a wall art or small sketch to reveal your emotions. 

Crafting -  Any simple craft requires patience and creativity. It is easy to learn to make things but a small mistake can ruin the entire attempt. 

Gardening -  You may think that it is not a great deal to sow a plant and see it grow. This is far from the truth. Living needs much more than just water and sunlight. 

Knitting -  Knitting may seem like a girlish art that anyone can master. Women often make attractive things by knitting while sitting at home. 

Decorations -  Some people enjoy decorating. Be it a small cake slice or an office cabin, they enjoy decorating it. These are people who are extremely organized and have a keen eye for aesthetics. 

Dancing -  Dancing is a common hobby among a sizeable section of Indians. This is great news for people on the job as dancing improves brain power. 

Yoga -  This activity will increase your overall work performance. Practicing yoga can be very beneficial to face your extremely challenging work schedule. 

Music -  By learning how to play a musical instrument and becoming a musician, you tend to develop good listening skills, experimentation, high level of self-discipline, and successful collaboration. 

Volunteering -  By contributing to an important cause, you can improve your leadership and networking skills and fill you with a sense of empowerment. 

Taking part in team-based sports -  Another method you can adopt to improve your collaboration skills is by taking part in competitive team sports. 

Learning better comedy -  Though it may seem funny, institutes that offer improvised comedy classes teach students about how to collaborate, think out of the box, create ideas ad express their creativity without any fear of ridicule. 

Photography -  Photography is a pastime that is partly a hobby and an artwork. You can also have a considerable side earning if you are a good photographer. 

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