Top 10 Silly Traps to Avoid on Your Way to Success in GRE Quant

The Lone Wolf Answer Choice -  A lone wolf question almost always has one or more answer choices which are different when compared to the other answer choices. This is a very common trap in GRE quant.

The Twist in the Tale -  Some questions on the GRE quant section deliberately twist the required quantity in order to confuse you and trick you into selecting the wrong answer choice.

The ‘too good to be the true answer -  If you encounter a question that you’re immediately able to identify the right answer for, then pause for a moment and check if it really is as simple as it seems

The Silly Mistake -  A lot of times, even if the question is actually very easy to solve, so it is important that you use your prep time to become an efficient and endearing human calculator.

Misconceptions -  It is very important that you get the basic concepts and formulas right before practicing the questions. Create your own cheat sheet for math formulas, and refer to it regularly.

The C of trouble -  Among the questions in GRE quant, quantitative comparison questions are sometimes very confusing. But you need to be careful enough to see if that is really the correct answer.

The Must-Could Conundrum -  If a question asks you which of the following conditions ‘must be’ true, then you need to understand that the answer choice that you pick must always hold true for all the conditions stated in the problem.

The Long-Winded Question -  It is important that you scan the question, and concert the information into simple numbers and variables, and equations so that you can cut out the unnecessary part of the question, and focus on what you need to find out.

The New Detail -  These questions are very good at tripping even the best test takers. They start innocuously, but what they ask for his subtly different from what your mind thinks you’re being asked.

The Zero-One Problem -  Sometimes, when you’re doing seemingly simple calculations, it’s easy to forget to check for 0 and 1. Always make sure to plug in 0 and 1 if the constraints permit doing so.

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