Top 10 SAT Grammar Rules You Must Know

1. Punctuation The point to remember here is that Periods (.) Break up two separate standalone statement You must use Commas (,) whenever you need a brief pause. Next semicolons (;) connect two related statements that could still stand on their own as complete sentences.

2. Possessive Next with regards to possessives you have to pay attention to commonly confused possessives with no apostrophes for example it’s vs it’s. Singular – ‘’That is the girl’s sweater “and plural “The boy’s favorite game is football“

3. Choose the Right Word in Context Choose the right word in the context for transition word questions follow this formula where you have to read the sentence before the one with the transition word. For transition word questions, follow this formula: you should read the sentence before the one with the transition word.

4. Keeping It Simple Whenever possible, say it with fewer words. You don’t have to use fancy words or complex sentence structure. Say it simply and clearly. Also, avoid the passive voice when possible.

5. Good instructions, Transitions, and Conclusion Good instructions prepare the reader to understand the ideas presented in a passage easily. You may have to read ahead in the paragraph before you decide how to best introduce it.

6. Avoid Misplaced Modifier The modifying (descriptive) phrase must always come immediately before or immediately after the word, it is modifying.

7. Make it Match Compare only directly Related ideas (Incorrect)-“Compared to working at a desk marine biologists get a lot more fresh air and exercise “ (Correct) “Compared to office secretaries, marine biologists get a lot more fresh air and exercise “

8. Logical Order To avoid interrupting the flow of thought let us look at this sentence to understand What an incorrect logical order is “The bear population in Alaska has grown by 15 % in the past decade.

9. Trust Your Ears, and Trust Your Instinct You may not always know the exact rule that applies. Furthermore, there are a number of conventions of good writing that don’t fit into perfect categories. So, when in doubt, trust your ear and go with your first instinct. You may be wrong some of the time, but it is always your best bet.

10. Process of Elimination You are going to get the same result which is the right answer so options a and b are easily chucked out and then try to plug in options c and d back into the question to see what sounds to be a better choice while doing the reading section.

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