Top 10 Health Tips For Students During Exams

Do not take me big and heavy meals during meals instead try to eat in small portions.  

Eat-in regular intervals as it helps in balancing the nutrients in the body.  

Eating meals rich in fat or oil can lead to leathery all over the day therefore avoid it.  

Remain physically active go for yoga meditation or any outdoor games during short intervals  

Never skip your breakfast eat a balanced and simple breakfast on a regular basis.  

Eat food that helps you keep physical and mental energy at bay during the exam.  

If you have any kind of chronic disease then make sure that food that triggers it is avoided.  

Skipped eating fast or fried food till the time you have your exams as it can lead to unwanted fatigue.  

Include fresh fruits in your diet as it helps in regaining lost nutrients from the body.  

Make sure you drink an ample amount of fluids such as water or juice during the day as it helps in avoiding dehydration.  

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