Top 10 Greatest Engineer

Nikola Tesla 

His inventions include the induction motor, 3-phase electricity, fluorescent lighting and the Tesla coil. He also developed the AC current generation system made from a transformer and a motor.

Thomas Edison 

His many inventions include the motion picture camera and projector, the phonograph, and the incandescent lightbulb.

Henry Ford 

Inventor of the modern car, he developed assembly and production lines that brought about mass production.


A classic scientist in the making, Archimedes was a Greek engineer, mathematician, physicist, and astronomer.

Nikolaus Otto 

A German inventor, Nikolaus Otto is credited with the development of the four-stroke engine an Otto-cycle engine.

Wilber and Orville Wright 

The brothers were responsible for creating the airplane. Originally bike mechanics, their love of kite-flying and curiosity led them to new heights.

Alexander Graham Bell 

Alexander Graham Bell is credited with providing us with the first telephone, hearing devices, and including in aeronautics, and optical telecommunications.

George Stephenson 

He was a civil and mechanical engineer who developed and built steam locomotives for some of the first-ever railways.

Leonardo Da  Vinci 

Conceptualized many inventions from flying machines, like the modern-day helicopter, to concentrated solar power.

Elon Musk 

From the Tesla car, SolarCity, SpaceX, and the idea behind the Hyperloop, nothing seems too far out of reach for Elon Musk.

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