Tips to Reduce the Cost of Medical School Interviews 

Know Your Application Inside and Out -  Take some time to review your AMCAS application. In particular, know your research, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities well. 

Prepare Questions That You Can Be Asked –  It is impossible to predict every question that will come up in an interview, but apart from the guaranteed questions, there are some common topics that one has to pay for preparation.

Know Specifics About Each School/Program -  Prior to interviewing for any program, look up that program and school. Read a bit about the curriculum, research strengths, student groups, and other opportunities available. 

Practice Your Interview Skills -  Start by reciting answers to common questions. Move on to having others practice with you, and perform mock interviews. 

Prepare a Few Examples of Personal Experiences -  Prepare a few examples of experiences you’ve had that can be applied to many questions. 

Dress for Success -  Interviewers are looking for candidates who take this process seriously, and that means dressing professionally, respectfully, and sharply. 

Be Prepared to Discuss a Few Current Event Topics in Medicine -  This is not always a part of the interview, but it may come up. No one expects you to be a political expert, but it’s important to be able to speak intelligently about basic current events in medicine. 

Have Fun and Be Yourself -  Be positive. Make eye contact with the interviewer. Be confident and friendly. It will go a long way. 

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