Tips To Deal With The Stress Of Bad Result In Exams

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Manage time and organised yourself accordingly. Try doing smart work rather than hard work. Study the things you feel are more important first.

Time management

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 Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep, eat a healthy and protein-rich diet, drink plenty of water, and exercise for half an hour a day. This will make you more effective.

Stay healthy -

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 Panicking before exams is very common among students. When you feel you’re panicking just stay there for a while, take deep breaths, keep yourself hydrated, and then go back to study.

Don’t panic -

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Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher or mentor about something. They’re always there to help you out. Also, friends play a major role here. Friends are the best listeners as we usually understand what they say more than any teacher.

Ask for help -

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Distractions can be in any form. The biggest distraction in today’s kids is smartphones. Keep your smartphone away while studying. Also, keep them switched off so that you won't get distracted by the notifications.

Keep distractions away

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Don’t study for long hours without any breaks. Take sufficient breaks. Studying for 6-7 hours straight without any break can make your learning process slow and you won’t be able to keep everything in mind.

Take sufficient breaks -

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If you’re working on a messed up desk, your mind will probably get overloaded by a lot of thoughts and you won’t be able to focus in one place. So keep your study area organized to study efficiently.

 Keep your desk and workplace clean -

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Don't take tension, take the syllabus of the subject/exam in which you have failed and start your preparation subject-wise.

Follow a different strategy for the next exam -

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