Tips on How to Improve Your Reading Speed for CLAT Comprehension

Preview  The backbone is the first step to increasing reading speed and comprehension. I preview each article I read to learn more about the main idea. Depending on the text, I scan for either numbers, names, or trigger words. I use my finger as a pointer tool to quickly scan the page in zig-zag mode. I look at headlines, pictures, or overview diagrams.

Memorizing and Parroting   I've retrieved the main idea, it's time to write down the main ideas. Sometimes I brainstorm a list of ideas or make a mind map. Often I just call them out loud or vocalize the thoughts in my head. I can ask questions like who, what, where, why, and how to understand the big picture. Whichever you choose, it will be the correct way to complete the Preview phase.

Using a prompt   Once the main theme is clear, we decide to either read the text or skip it. That's the purpose of the preview - to assess the value of any material. So, a preview will help in increasing the reading speed as we read only what is valuable and saves time. When I read, I use my finger as a pointing device to keep my eyes focused and really speed up. If you are familiar with reading chunks of words, you can skip the text or use different reading patterns.

Embodying and Expanding Notes  For short articles that are meant to be summarized, a few notes will probably suffice. To extract comprehensive knowledge and retain it for a longer period of time, we can either write down the information in a mind map, describe the ideas to a friend, add some emotion, act out the material to experience it, etc. Can try, visualize it or use different memory. Technique. Now you may realize that reading fast is linked to a bunch of other skills that can also be learned.

Reviewing and Deepening Knowledge  Repetition is an efficient method to transfer new knowledge into long-term memory. The key is to have a pool of notes available for re-reading. I use a free tool called Evernote to save notes for review. You can also clip entire articles to read them again. I apply all steps again to deepen my knowledge. I do a quick scan, ask simple questions, speed read again, and recall the main ideas. By the way, in terms of fast reading, I’m creating this free online reference to come back to whenever I want.

Do not read the words again  Most of us have the tendency to “circle back and forth” between the words we read. Rereading is a difficult habit to break. It’s a bad habit that wastes a lot of time. As juvenile as it may seem, keeping a finger on the page while reading will help you break the habit.

While practicing, set a timer  Keep a one-minute timer going as you practice or study at home, and note how many words you can read in that time. Keep track of your score and strive to beat your own record by repeating the procedure. If you keep playing this game, you’ll be able to improve your reading speed in no time!

Make a goal  Making yourself responsible for the consequences and results will keep you focused on reading and reaching the goal you’ve set for yourself. Make a daily or weekly goal for yourself and stick to it. Don’t forget to reward yourself after you’ve met your goal.

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