Tips for droppers to prepare for JEE Main 

Start Your Preparation with a Positive Attitude -  You should always remember that your mind works according to what you feed it. If you keep passing negative thoughts, you will get a negative result only. 

Get a Thorough Understanding of New Exam Patterns -  the exam will now be conducted only in an online format. Having knowledge of the revised exam format will help you give your JEE preparation the right direction. 

Consider Time-saving Methods -  when the syllabus is more and you feel the shortage of time, you need to opt-out of some time-saving tips. 

Have got some idea about the Exam -  Moreover, as you have already attempted the exam first, you must have got some idea about the type of questions and the syllabus covered in the exam. 

Make Regular Revision a Habit -  Revising your syllabus on a daily, weekly, fortnightly, and monthly basis is an enormously important thing that you can do to yourself. 

Strategize Your Work -  Strategizing the work will help you out a lot whilst preparing for competitive examinations like JEE. 

Get only Enough Study Material -  Make sure you buy only enough study material. Talking of an online course provides you with enough amount of information and knowledge to score high in your examination. 

Pay Attention to Your Health -  If only you’ve had good health then only you’ll able to concentrate better on JEE preparation tips for droppers and follow them well. 

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