Time Management Skills for Students that Work 

Set Goals -  By setting goals and identifying time wasters, you can help to keep yourself on a more efficient track.

Make Note of Deadlines - When you’re in college, you will be taking several classes at a time. Within each class, you’ll have assignments and tests with different due dates.

Start with Small Tasks -  When you have a long to-do list, you may feel defeated just by looking at it. Instead, you can write it in an order that will work in your favor.

Create a schedule -  One of the biggest recommendations that you'll find when learning about time management is to use a schedule to your advantage.

Use Checklists -  A weekly checklist can also help to better manage your time when you are in college. By referring back to the checklist, you will make sure that no item is forgotten or overlooked.

Use Breaks Wisely -  A major aspect of time management is how you choose to use breaks. Besides taking intentional breaks to do nothing and recharge, the breaks that already exist in your schedule can serve as “extra” time.

Leverage Technology -  When it comes to time management, technology is your friend! There’s an array of time management apps you can download to help you get things done.

Reward Yourself -  No matter how many strides you make on your journey of time management, take some time (no pun intended) to reward yourself.

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