The 10 Most Expensive Materials On Earth


Antimatter is by far the most expensive material on Earth. Although only very small amounts have ever been produced, there is currently no way of storing them. 

Endohedral fullerenes

Endohedral fullerenes are normal fullerenes with extra atoms, ions, or clusters within inner spheres. 


Scientists create californium by bombarding curium with alpha particles. This reaction creates the radioactive chemical element with an atomic number of 98. 


Natural diamonds have long been prized for their beauty and extreme hardness. 


Tritium is forged in the hearts of nuclear reactors by irradiating lithium metal or lithium-bearing ceramic pebbles. 

Taaffeite stone

Taaffeite is an incredibly rare gemstone that has only recently become desirable by collectors. 


Painite is another very expensive material and possibly one you've never heard about. 


Grandidierite was initially found in southern Madagascar in 1902. The French explorer Alfred Grandidier (1836–1922) 


Along with diamonds, emeralds are another very well-known and costly gemstone. 


The most expensive materials on earth is Plutonium. You can mainly find it in the hearts of nuclear reactors and powering satellites that need long-lasting energy. 

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