The 10 Greatest Engineers Of All Time 

Leonardo da Vinci -  An Italian Renaissance polymath, Leonardo da Vinci was a scientist, inventor, and engineer. He designed flying machines, war machines, and hydraulic systems, among many other things. 

Isambard Kingdom Brunel -  An English engineer during the Industrial Revolution, Brunel designed many notable structures including the Great Western Railway. 

Nikola Tesla -  A Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer, Tesla made many contributions to the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems. 

Gustave Eiffel -  A French civil engineer and architect, Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower and many other notable structures including the Statue of Liberty's steel framework and the Garabit Viaduct. 

Thomas Edison -  Edison is best known for his invention of the practical incandescent light bulb and his work on the development of the phonograph, motion picture, and the alkaline storage battery. 

James Watt -  A Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, Watt developed the modern steam engine and made significant improvements to its efficiency. 

Archimedes -  An ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and inventor, Archimedes made many contributions to the fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering. 

Henry Ford -  An American businessman and founder of Ford Motor Company, Ford developed the assembly line method of mass production. 

Werner von Siemens -  A German inventor and industrialist, Siemens co-invented the dynamo and made many other contributions to the development of electrical engineering. 

George Stephenson -  An English civil engineer and mechanical engineer, Stephenson designed the first inter-city railway and developed the steam locomotive, which revolutionized transportation. 

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