The 7 Best Extracurricular Activities for College Applications

Student Government and Leadership Roles:  

Joining student government or holding leadership positions in clubs and organizations demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively, make decisions, and take on responsibilities. I 

Sports and Athletics: 

 Participating in sports teams or athletic activities not only showcases your physical fitness but also demonstrates teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. 

Community Service and Volunteering: 

 Involvement in community service projects and volunteering demonstrates your dedication to making a positive impact on society.  

Debate and Speech Clubs:  

Joining debate or speech clubs helps develop your communication and critical thinking skills. It also demonstrates your ability to articulate ideas and present arguments effectively,

Academic Clubs and Competitions:  

Participating in academic clubs, such as Math Club, Science Olympiad, or Model United Nations, showcases your passion for learning and willingness to challenge yourself academically.  

Arts and Performing Arts: 

Involvement in music, dance, drama, or visual arts highlights your creativity and dedication to artistic expression. It also demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively and your commitment to honing your skills. 

Research and Internships:  

Engaging in research projects or internships related to your field of interest shows your initiative and passion for a particular subject.

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