How to Handle the GATE 2022 Exam Pressure  

The key to better concentration 

Build your mental muscle -  Better concentration requires practice, and just like training to run a marathon, it takes time to build up your focus and fitness. The key is to start small and build up.

Focus on your breathing -  Mindfulness and better concentration go hand in hand, and if you get a handle on mindfulness, concentration becomes very easy.

Do one thing at a time -  Multitasking is shortening our attention spans. One of the best ways to improve your concentration is to ditch multitasking and instead embrace one task at a time. 

Put away your phone and limit distractions -  This may seem obvious, but every time you check your phone (for emails, messages, social updates, or anything else) you are breaking your concentration.

Eat and drink -  Fueling your body with the right mix of fiber, protein, fat, and carbs really help you to stay focused. if you want your concentration and brain power to be at their best, don’t skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Make a list -  If you have important tasks to do throughout the day, spend 10 minutes making a list of everything you need to get done. Arrange this list from the most important task to the least. 

Five more minutes  -  When you are ready to give up on a task, promise yourself that you’ll focus for just five more minutes, then do it. 

Find some Om -  Daily meditation has been linked to serious improvements in concentration levels. To meditate, all you need is around 10 minutes of alone time. If you’re just starting out, it may be best to follow a guided meditation. 

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