The 10 Highest-Paying Jobs You Can Get in Science

Food scientist and technologist Creating tasty cuisines is far more than just combining ingredients in the kitchen. Food scientists are the brains behind food, making sure food products are safe to consume and keep for sufficient periods of time. To become a food scientist, you’ll need to take a university course in food science, food studies or food technology. 


Epidemiologist  You've almost certainly heard or read about the work of an epidemiologist over the years. These scientists get under the skin (sometimes literally) of diseases, viruses, and infections to better understand how diseases survive and spread. For this job, you'll need a relevant science-based degree, and you'll also need to complete a scientific training program to develop specialist knowledge.


Environmental scientist   Many scientists seek to explore the impact of things on humans. Environmental scientists, on the other hand, explore the impact of humans on the world. Practically, they might look at the best way to dispose of hazardous or chemical waste, reducing the risk of any negative impact on the environment in doing so. For this role, you’ll want a degree in environmental science or a relevant subject with appropriate work experience.


Hydrologist A kind of environmental scientist, hydrologists manage, monitor and protect water and water resources. Practically, these scientists regularly work with water providers and governments to manage drought and associated water risks. A degree in geography or physical science is a must-have for this career. Postgraduate study in a relevant area like water management, aquatic resource management, or hydrology may also help to secure a job in this area.


Microbiologist   While epidemiologists explore the behavior of diseases in a population, microbiologists look at the individual behavior of pathogens like viruses, fungi, and parasites. These scientists recommend sampling methods to diagnose an infection and then follow up with the appropriate course of treatment to kill the bacteria, virus, or fungus. For this role, you’ll want a medical school undergraduate degree, and possibly specialist training in infection and microbiology.


Bioengineers  These scientists research, design and develop medical products like joint replacements or robotic surgical machines to complete biological tasks. You’ll use computer software and mathematical models to design and adapt devices for use in medical settings. Relevant qualifications for this line of work include mechanical engineering, physics, or biomedical engineering.


Atmospheric and space scientists  Atmospheric and space scientists are sometimes also known as forecasters or meteorologists. These scientists investigate atmospheric changes gathered by sensors in order to prepare reports for public consumption on the weather and climate. This role, while science-based, sometimes carries responsibilities in front of the camera for media broadcasts.


Medical scientist   Medical scientists are the unsung heroes of hospital care. Tasked with the important job of testing patient samples, it is often medical scientists that help doctors settle on a diagnosis. To get into this area of business, you’ll need an accredited biomedical science degree and some laboratory work experience. Some people that take up careers in this sector start their careers in the armed forces.


Data Scientist  Every time you swipe your credit card, log into a social media website, or even walk past an antenna, a data record is created. Data scientists are the minds that take this data and turn it into answers to big questions. In this role, you will find yourself collecting data and organizing it to find trends. You need to be aware of analytical techniques like machine learning, deep learning, and text analytics.


 Biochemist  Biochemists investigate chemical processes inside living things, bacteria, and viruses. You’ll be in the driving seat of planning and carrying out scientific experiments, both on live subjects and using computer software to model biological behavior. Your contribution to the scientific community will be in the form of writing scientific reports to share your findings.


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