The 12 Best STEM Careers

Medical Scientists As a medical scientist, your main duty is to conduct research to improve the overall health of humanity. Clinical trials and investigative methods are used to research their findings.

Chemists Busy yourself with atomic and molecular levels and how substances interact with each other on a daily basis. You’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or a related field.

Scope of STEM courses -  After completing STEM courses, there are ample opportunities both in terms of jobs and research. US universities also have a dedicated careers team that is very helpful in helping you find a good job. 

World-class education -  The US lives up to its promise to provide unmatched quality education with state-of-the-art facilities, expert faculty, and global opportunities. A US education is recognized and valued by institutions and employers around the world, which is why international students gravitate to study in the US. 

An added advantage of Silicon Valley  The US is home to the largest IT hub like Silicon Valley in California, which is a major added advantage for aspiring IT professionals. This is what gives the US access to highly developed infrastructure, resources, and a skilled workforce. 

Diversity of Student Body -  One of the most famous features of US universities is the diversity of the student body. The students represent the culture of different countries, and it will be easy for you to adapt to the social environment, make new friends and gain experiences of a lifetime. 

1 year STEM courses in the USA -  The US has some of the best STEM universities. Top universities such as Stanford University, Harvard University, Caltech, MIT, and Columbia are extremely popular for 1 year STEM specializations in fields such as architecture, astronomy, behavioral sciences, biochemistry, etc..

Best STEM courses in the USA for international students -  There are more than 300 STEM courses for international students in the USA. While each student chooses a course based on their interests, some STEM courses are more popular than others. 

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