10 Ways to Deal with Anxiety When Starting College 

Plan Ahead: Create a checklist of things you need to do before college starts, such as registering for classes, securing housing, and buying textbooks. Having a plan can reduce uncertainty.

Connect with Roommates and Peers: Reach out to your roommates and classmates through social media or college forums before arrival. Building connections in advance can ease the transition.

Familiarize Yourself with the Campus: – Take a campus tour or explore the layout online. Knowing where your classes, dorm, and essential facilities are located can reduce first-day jitters.

Practice Self-Care: – Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and maintaining a healthy diet. These practices can help manage stress and anxiety.

Seek Counseling Services: – Most colleges offer counseling services for students. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need support or someone to talk to.

Set Realistic Expectations: – Understand that it's normal to feel anxious about change. Acknowledge your feelings and remind yourself that it's okay not to have everything figured out from day one.

Time Management: – Create a schedule or use a planner to manage your time effectively. Being organized can reduce stress related to deadlines and assignments.

Attend Orientation: – Participate in college orientation programs. They provide valuable information and an opportunity to meet fellow students and faculty.

Stay Social and Engage: – Join clubs, organizations, or sports teams that interest you. Socializing and engaging in extracurricular activities can help you feel more connected to your college community.

Seek Help When Needed: – Don't hesitate to seek professional help if your anxiety becomes overwhelming. College counseling centers and mental health services are there to support you.

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