10 UK Universities that offer the best quality of student life 

Climbing up one spot from its second rank in 2013, this University won the quality race of the year 2014. It scores high in numerous categories.  

Loughborough University 

A whopping 93 percent of its student population is satisfied with its program and 94 percent are employed post-graduation. 

University of Bath 

Despite its fall, the University scores highly in the Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey. Students will also benefit from access to some of the cheapest bars and shops.  

Durham University 

It has maintained its quality of student life well and continues to draw in numerous students every year. 

Newcastle University 

Its London School of Economics produces graduates that earn the highest full-time salaries on graduation.  

University of Glasgow 

Slipping down three spots all the way to number six, is the University of Cambridge. As per THE world rankings, the University ranks fifth in position. 

University of Cambridge 

Northumbria students benefit from one of the cheapest accommodations available (as per HEFCE/ Higher Education Funding Council For England). 

Northumbria University 

The University of Oxford dropped sharply in terms of student life quality to the eight spot this year- going three steps backward from its position in 2013. 

University of Oxford 

The University of Dundee stands ninth in position and gives its students access to some of the cheapest bars, shops, and amenities in the area. 

University of Dundee 

Last but most definitely - not least, leaping up four places from last year is the University of Exeter at numero diez. As per the UK’s national student survey, 

University of Exeter 

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