10 Tips for Money Management When Studying Abroad 

Before you even leave for your study abroad program, create a realistic budget that takes into account your expected income and expenses. 

Create a budget:

Research the cost of living in your destination country or city. This will give you an idea of how much you should budget for accommodation, food, and transportation. 

Research cost of living:

Look for scholarships and grants that are specifically designed for students studying abroad. 

Seek scholarships and grants:

Consider opening a bank account in your host country to make it easier to manage your finances. 

Open a local bank account:

Keep an eye on currency exchange rates to make the most of your money. 

Monitor currency exchange rates

Take advantage of student discounts offered by local businesses, attractions, and public transportation systems. 

Use student discounts:

Eating out can quickly drain your funds. Instead, try cooking your meals as much as possible. 

Cook your meals:

While it's tempting to explore nearby countries and cities, plan your travel expenses wisely. 

Plan travel wisely:

Keep track of your expenses using a budgeting app or a simple spreadsheet. 

Track your expenses:

Socializing and exploring your host city is important, but be mindful of entertainment expenses. 

Be mindful of entertainment expenses:

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