10 reasons why Arts in Education are important

Boost Academic Performance -  Education in the arts enhances a student's creativity and enhances the talents and skills that aid them in academic achievement. 

Students practice teamwork -  Art-making enables students to experience what it feels like to be active members of a community and to work as a team to decide and achieve common objectives. 

Motor Skills -  This is one of the best reasons why arts are important in education as it helps in developing fine motor skills in the students. 

Self-Reliance -  Doing perfectly in a subject serves to set up confidence among students; however, there is something unique about becoming part of the arts. 

Creativity -  The arts allow students to see things from new perspectives. Art education should be taught early in a student's life, which will help them pursue their other academics and career for the rest of their lives. 

Decision Making -  Students participating in the arts develop leadership skills, which involve decision-making, strategy building, planning and reflection. 

Increases Capacity for Leadership -  The arts encourage experiences with students to engage in problem-solving and analytical thinking. Then they eventually learn to make decisions, and this will certainly spill over into other components of their education and life. 

Responsibility -  Mistakes are a portion and package of life, and students must learn to receive them, make them, and move on, which will cater to them well as they get older. 

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