10 Oldest Professions in the World You Must Know 

Agriculture/Farming:  The practice of cultivating crops and raising livestock dates back thousands of years and played a crucial role in the development of human civilizations. 

Hunting and Gathering:  Before the advent of agriculture, humans relied on hunting animals and gathering wild plants for sustenance. 

Trading:  The exchange of goods and services between individuals and communities has been a fundamental activity throughout human history. 

Medicine/Healing:  The pursuit of healing and caring for the sick predates recorded history, with early forms of medicine involving herbs, rituals, and spiritual practices. 

Prostitution:  The exchange of sexual services for money or goods is often cited as one of the oldest professions, though it has taken various forms and societal perceptions throughout history. 

Pottery:  The creation of pottery vessels, essential for storage and cooking, has a long history dating back to ancient civilizations. 

Weaving/Textiles:  The craft of weaving textiles, including fabric and clothing, has been practiced for thousands of years. 

Fishing:  Fishing as a means of sustenance and trade has been crucial for coastal communities throughout history. 

Metalworking:  The forging and shaping of metals to create tools, weapons, and ornaments can be traced back to ancient civilizations. 

Storytelling:  The oral tradition of sharing stories and passing down knowledge has been an important part of human culture since ancient times. 

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