10 New Words Students Can Learn To Boost Their Vocabulary 

Resilient -  Resilience can be compared to a rubber ball that bounces back after being thrown. It is the capacity to bounce back quickly from obstacles or failures. 

Pragmatic -  Managing situations realistically and practically is what it means to be pragmatic. It focuses on what works in the real world rather than theoretical ideas. 

Astute -  Someone astute is observant and keen. They have a quick understanding of people and situations, which they use to their advantage. 

Diligent -  Diligent can be used for someone who is working hard. It is all about giving your tasks or work careful, consistent effort. 

Innovative -  Innovation involves introducing new ideas, methods, or technologies. It's about being creative and thinking forward. 

Concise -  Being concise means putting your ideas into words as briefly and clearly as you can. The key is to avoid extra details and get right to the point. 

Empirical -  Instead of only relying on theoretical reasoning, empirical knowledge is acquired via observation and experience. It is about making sense of the things you observe and do. 

Meticulous -  Imagine someone meticulously crafting a piece of art. It's all about being extremely careful, precise, and paying attention to every detail. 

Symbiosis -  A superpower of teamwork is symbiosis. It is a win-win situation where various individuals or groups get along well. 

Exemplary -  Setting a high standard means being exemplary. It means representing the best of its kind, serving as a positive and admirable model for others to follow. 

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