10 Interesting Facts About Bhagat Singh 

Bhagat Singh became politically active at a young age and joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), which aimed to overthrow British rule in India. 

Early Activism: 

 Along with his associates, Singh was involved in revolutionary activities against British colonial rule, including acts of protest, bombings, and assassinations of British officials. 

Revolutionary Actions:

Singh played a central role in the Lahore Conspiracy Case, in which he and his comrades were accused of throwing bombs in the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi in 1929, protesting against the repressive British government. 

Role in the Lahore Conspiracy Case:

 Bhagat Singh used his writing skills to spread revolutionary ideas and inspire others. He contributed articles to newspapers like Kirti and Vir Arjun, using them as platforms to convey his vision for an independent India. 

Propaganda through Newspapers:

Singh was influenced by the ideology of anarchism, advocating for a society without oppressive governments and social hierarchies. 

Influence of Anarchism: 

In response to the Simon Commission, which proposed constitutional reforms without Indian representation, Bhagat Singh and his comrades urged the Indian National Congress to boycott the commission and demand complete independence. 

Call for Non-Cooperation:

 While imprisoned, Bhagat Singh and his fellow revolutionaries undertook a prolonged hunger strike to protest against the inhumane treatment of political prisoners and demand better conditions for prisoners. 

Hunger Strike in Jail:

Bhagat Singh was executed by the British government on March 23, 1931, at the age of 23. His sacrifice and courageous stance inspired countless individuals in India's freedom struggle, earning him the status of a national hero. 

Hunger Strike in Jail:

Bhagat Singh advocated for socialist principles and believed in the importance of economic equality and social justice. He aimed to create a society that would eliminate class divisions and exploitation. 

Socialist Ideals: 

 Despite his young age, Bhagat Singh was a voracious reader and had a keen interest in literature, history, and political philosophy. He sought knowledge and self-education, constantly expanding his intellectual horizons. 

Intellectual Pursuits:

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