This image was taken in 2014, and the picturesque landscape of the metropolis is simply extraordinary.
This photograph of Bengaluru is a fine example of how this city is one of the best in India, even when viewed from space.
The National Capital, the heart of the nation as seen from space. The photograph has captured the essence and beauty of the city at night.
This real photo of the Himalayas and Delhi lit in the silver luster of moonlight is another example of how northern India is the zenith of natural beauty.
Kolkata, the birthplace of the literary renaissance in India and the former capital of the country shines like a city lost in time.
A long exposure shot of northern India taken from the International Space Station taken in January 2016 captures the exquisiteness of the region shrouded in patches of clouds at night.
This is another long exposure image of the region from a different angle, the most populous cities of the region.
The Rann is one of the largest salt deserts in the world and in the image, we can see the salt evaporation ponds spread across the salt marsh.
This image was captured by Tim Peake while approaching towards Ahmedabad. The state of Gujarat is illuminated with lights at night.
The Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite’s false color image of the Thar desert and the city of Bikaner is a spectacular visual treat.