10 Great Small Colleges for Nature Lovers 

Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA):  Known for its alternative, self-directed education model that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and independent projects. 

Evergreen State College (Olympia, Washington, USA):  Known for its interdisciplinary curriculum and emphasis on experiential learning. Offers programs that encourage students to explore connections between different fields of study.

The New School (New York City, New York, USA):  Comprised of several schools and colleges, including the renowned Parsons School of Design. 

Deep Springs College (Deep Springs, California, USA):  A unique, all-male college where students participate in a rigorous work-study program on a remote cattle ranch.Emphasizes a combination of academics, manual labor, and student governance.

Goddard College (Plainfield, Vermont, USA):  Known for its low-residency, individualized education model that allows students to design their own learning plans. Offers programs in areas such as sustainability, social justice, and creative arts.

Naropa University (Boulder, Colorado, USA):  Integrates contemplative practices and mindfulness into its curriculum. Known for its programs in psychology, writing, and the arts with a focus on personal and societal transformation.

Schumacher College (Dartington, Devon, United Kingdom):  Offers programs in ecology, sustainability, and holistic science. Focuses on experiential learning, ecological thinking, and transformative education.

Maharishi University of Management (Fairfield, Iowa, USA):  Integrates Transcendental Meditation and consciousness-based education into its curriculum. Emphasizes personal development, holistic health, and sustainable living.

Auroville Earth Institute (Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India): Dedicated to sustainable architecture and construction using earth-based materials. Offers training programs and workshops on sustainable building techniques.

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Madrid, Spain): Offers distance education programs that allow flexible learning opportunities. Known for its inclusivity, accessibility, and commitment to lifelong learning.

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