10 extreme exoplanets are out of this world 

1HD 189733 b  This planet is known for its deep blue color, caused by the presence of silicate particles in its atmosphere. It also has winds that can reach speeds of up to 5,400 miles per hour, making it one of the windiest exoplanets known.

WASP-12b  This exoplanet is incredibly close to its star, completing an orbit in just 1.1 Earth days. As a result, it has a temperature of around 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit and is being slowly ripped apart by the star's gravitational forces.

55 Cancri-e  This planet is twice the size of Earth and is made mostly of carbon. It orbits its star so closely that it completes an orbit in just 18 hours, and its surface temperature can reach up to 3,630 degrees Fahrenheit.

Kepler-10b  This exoplanet is one of the smallest ever discovered, with a radius just 1.4 times that of Earth. It orbits its star every 20 hours and has a surface temperature of around 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gliese 436 b  This planet is known for its hot, steamy atmosphere, which contains a layer of exotic ices such as methane and carbon monoxide. Despite its high temperature, the planet is also thought to have a solid, rocky core.

Kepler-16b  This exoplanet is a gas giant that orbits two stars, making it a "circumbinary" planet. It was the first of its kind to be discovered and has been nicknamed "Tatooine" due to its similarity to the planet from Star Wars.

HAT-P-1b This exoplanet is one of the largest ever discovered, with a radius more than 1.7 times that of Jupiter. It has an extremely low density, suggesting that it is mostly made up of hydrogen gas.

TrES-2b  This planet is one of the darkest exoplanets known, reflecting less than 1% of the light that hits it. Its atmosphere is thought to contain a lot of carbon, which gives it its dark appearance.

GJ 1214b  This exoplanet is a "super-Earth" with a radius 2.7 times that of Earth. It has a thick atmosphere made up of water vapor and hydrogen gas, and its surface temperature is thought to be around 800 degrees Fahrenheit.

OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb  This exoplanet is one of the most distant ever discovered, located around 21,000 light-years away from Earth. It is a "rogue planet," meaning that it does not orbit a star and instead drifts through space on its own.

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