You are given a list (an array) of interval pairs as input. Each interval has a start and end timestamp and is sorted by starting timestamps. Now, you have to merge the overlapping time intervals and return a new output array. How will you do it?
Write the code to determine if there are any three integers in the given array of integers that are equal to a given value.
You’ll be given the root node of a directed graph and you will have to clone the graph by creating a deep copy. The cloned graph is supposed to have the same edges as well as vertices.
You have the roots of two binary trees and you have to determine if these binary trees are identical, i.n., both the trees have the same structure and element at each node.
How would you determine whether the r and l sub-trees in a given binary tree are mirror images?
You are asked to add two integers using linked lists. The head of the two linked lists is given and each node stores a digit of the integer. You have to create a new linked list that stores the sum of two integers.