10 Biggest Stars of Our Milky Way Galaxy 

UY Scuti 


UY Scuti is currently considered one of the largest known stars in the Milky Way. It is a red supergiant star with a diameter estimated to be around 1,700 times that of the Sun. 



Betelgeuse, located in the constellation Orion, is a red supergiant and one of the brightest stars visible in the night sky. 

VY Canis Majorisv 


VY Canis Majoris is a red hypergiant star located in the Canis Major constellation.  



Antares, located in the constellation Scorpius, is a red supergiant star and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.  

Mu Cephei (Herschel's Garnet Star) 


Mu Cephei, also known as Herschel's Garnet Star, is a red supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus. 

Eta Carinae 


Eta Carinae is a highly luminous and massive star located in the Carina constellation. 

Pistol Star 


The Pistol Star is a blue hypergiant located in the Milky Way's Galactic Center. 

RW Cephei 


RW Cephei is a red supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus. It is one of the largest known stars, with a diameter estimated to be around 1,535 times that of the Sun. 

KW Sagittarii 


KW Sagittarii is a red hypergiant star located in the Sagittarius constellation. 

VV Cephei 


It is one of the largest known binary stars, with a combined size estimated to be around 1,080 times that of the Sun. 

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