Successful Strategies for Not Falling Behind in School 

Get Organized -  Start off with a calendar, diary, or schedule. Having everything noted down in an organized manner will give your brain space for more important things.

Try to work every day -  Try to work every day to avoid things piling up. Of course, some days you can work harder than others. But even on the weekend try to check some things off your list.

Break It Down -  If you’re following your schedule, another one of the best tips for studying is to break it down. Break subjects and assignments down into manageable chunks for easy digestion.

Playing Catch Up -  If you find yourself falling behind, it’s time to do an honest evaluation and assess the damage. You can do this by creating a list!

Up Your Game -  Even if you have a killer schedule, nothing’s going to work if you have poor study skills. Up your game and try to improve the basics.

Ask for Help -  If you are struggling to keep up, you're probably not the only one. Chat with other students in your class, they may be able to give you some support.

Knuckle Down -  If you’re behind, you may need to do some extra work to catch up. Whether it’s getting a tutor, arriving at class before everyone else, or staying later, it’s worth the extra work.

Time to Take Action! -  if you’re falling behind in school, remember these essential tips. A good schedule, support from others, and solid hard work will help you to win at college.

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