Study Skills to Help Students Have a Successful Academic Year

Take advantage of downtime -  The less time you waste during downtime, the more time you’ll have later. 

Set goals -  It can be hard to get motivated to study when you don’t have a clear goal in mind. Set a goal of how much you want to get done and try your best to meet it. 

Use the syllabus -  Your syllabus will let you know when and how fast you’ll be covering topics in your class. You can use it to get ahead when you have extra time or to know when and what you’ll need to work on each day to keep up. 

Learn what works for you -  Different methods work better for different people. If you're struggling with a certain way you've been studying, try something else. 

Work in short blocks with breaks -  You won't be doing yourself any favors by pulling marathon study sessions with no breaks. 

Team up with classmates -  There’s no need to study alone if you can get more out of working with your classmates. Just make sure your study sessions don’t get too off track. 

Avoid skipping class -  While everyone skips a class now and again to catch up on sleep or to get other things done they feel are more pressing, try not to make a habit of it. 

Create a strategy -  You’ll get the most out of your study time if you go into it with a strategy in mind. Focus on certain subjects first or spend a little extra time on topics that you struggle with. 

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