How to Make the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience in the US 

Book your accommodation in the USA

Once you’ve decided to move to the USA to study, you’ll need to book accommodation in your chosen city. offers a great variety of accommodation across the country, with New York City, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Diego being among the most popular destinations. 

Health insurance

Health insurance is important wherever you are, but it is especially vital when you’re far away from home in a foreign country. Universities in the United States will require you to have an adequate health insurance policy because they want to make sure their students can receive medical treatment if necessary. 

Budget plan

You can use different apps that are designed explicitly for budgeting. But you may also create your own budget plan; all you need is a piece of paper and a pen or you can use your notes app, whatever works best for you.  

Do your research early 

This is our study abroad office on campus, and its website tells you exactly what you need to know about choosing your program and the application process. 

There is a program out there for you 

A lot of students worry that they will miss out on studying abroad because they have other commitments during the academic year that keep them in Ann Arbor. Trust me, I get it. 

Funding opportunities are available 

Studying abroad can be expensive, but luckily the University of Michigan has many funding opportunities available so that these experiences are accessible to students across campus. 

Push yourself out of your comfort zone 

Finally, my best advice is to try new things once you arrive abroad. You’re not studying at a completely new university in a completely new environment to do the same things you would do in Ann Arbor. 

Bottom line 

Choosing to study abroad was one of the best decisions that I have made as a student at the University of Michigan. I was able to participate in an incredible program that worked for my schedule and academic goals. 


Use your weekends to visit nearby attractions; whether it is a new city or a golden sand beach, you should definitely take the time to explore, relax, and create new memories.

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