7 Things To Know Before Pursuing a Graduate Degree  

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Life isn't always fair  bad things often happen to good people. As unfair and troubling as it is, we just have to accept that it is one of the harsh realities of the fast-paced, difficult, and often unforgiving world that we live in. Recent studies have shown that some people, while ugly on the outside, are also ugly on the inside. 

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Some people, while ugly on the outside, are actually ugly on the inside as well  Throughout your fine education, you have often been told that you should never judge a book by its cover. You've probably also heard that some people are “ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside.” This may be true; however, recent studies have shown that some people, while ugly on the outside, are actually ugly on the inside as well.

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Unrealistic expectations will only lead to frustration  Setting unrealistic expectations is never a good thing to do. It is psychologically unhealthy for any person to try to achieve things they are not capable of doing; therefore, I recommend that you set no expectations at all. Life is simply too short to be frustrated all the time. Being in good physical condition,.

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Despite widely differing social, political, and religious views, most people generally agree that fucking is a good idea  People hold many strong values when it comes to politics and religion. They also have very solid beliefs about how they think society should function and how other people should behave. Many of these values and beliefs are in conflict with each other.

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The power of prayer is truly amazing  Many religious people will tell you that prayer is an extremely powerful thing, and they are indeed very correct. If you pray passionately and persistently enough, your prayers will be heard by the Almighty. I once knew a girl named Melissa. Melissa was hopelessly in love with Bob, but Bob didn't really care for Melissa all that much. In fact, he frequently had to use very clever social tactics in order to avoid her numerous advances. Bob wasn't a very religious person.

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Most of what you just learned won't help you  Getting through college is no small task. You've spent lots of time, energy, and money to earn your degree. You should be aware that people often go through depression after achieving great things simply because they are exhausted after using up so much energy. If you feel that you are becoming depressed, then just relax. I'm here to help you.

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Nobody's perfect  Life after college can be difficult and confusing. You may excel at the career you have chosen, or you may not. You may even change careers after several years. Who knows? You might even find yourself working at a job that is totally unrelated to the degree you just earned. 

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