7 Things To Know About World Environment Day

Each year, World Environment Day has a specific theme that focuses on an environmental issue of global concern. The theme serves as a call to action and provides a platform for discussions, awareness campaigns, and initiatives. 


1. Theme: 

World Environment Day is a flagship event of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which is the leading global authority on environmental matters within the UN system. 


2. United Nations' initiative: 

It is celebrated in over 100 countries and involves various activities such as tree planting, clean-up campaigns, awareness workshops, sustainable initiatives, and more. 


3. Global participation: 

World Environment Day aims to educate and raise awareness about environmental issues. It provides a platform to communicate the importance of environmental protection, conservation, and sustainable practices. 


4. Awareness and education: 

World Environment Day aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 global goals aim to address social, economic, and environmental issues to achieve a sustainable future for all.  


5. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 

The host country gets an opportunity to showcase its environmental initiatives and achievements, and also receives support and recognition from the international community for its efforts. 


6. Host country: 

It aims to inspire individuals and organizations to make positive changes in their daily lives and contribute to environmental sustainability.  


7. Long-term impact: 

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