7 skills you need to study at home 

Learn how to Google -  Learn how to make site-specific searches, search for pictures or photos with specific content, find literal phrases, and use clever keywords to amplify or condense your results. 

Learn how to do CPR and general first aid -  Everybody should know CPR. Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to perform CPR or some kind of first aid on someone you love than on a stranger. 

How To Meditate -  If you’re going to be stuck at home, you might as well learn how to meditate. And do, meditation doesn't have to be a spiritual thing with incantations and incense. 

Learn how to edit photos like the experts -  Whether you’re a professional or a novice photographer, there are always ways to upskill your craft, even if you’re stuck inside. 

Learn how to do basic self-defense -  Since you never know when you might just need to protect yourself, you should pick up some basic moves. 

Improve your memory -  If you’re the type of person who keeps forgetting important information, then maybe these two weeks could be used wisely by investing in yourself and your memory. 

Become a master of calligraphy -  If you were one of those kids, just know that you can pick up the modern basics of calligraphy in just two hours. And from there, the limits are your own. 

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