Science-Based Tips  to Earn the Perfect Grades 

Motivate yourself -  Believe in yourself and encourage yourself to stay focused on your work. Pick a goal or series of goals, and use that as your motivation.

Listen and participate in  class -  It may be hard, especially if you have a shy personality, but participation will show your teacher that you do really care about their subject and want better grades.

Take thorough notes during a class -  This will ensure that you do not miss any important information. Note-taking is an important skill that can translate to better grades in college as well.

Do not hesitate to ask for  help -  If you are experiencing problems with certain subjects, you can always ask your teacher or peers for help after the class.

Take a 15-minute break after every 45 minutes of  studying -  Walk around your house. get some fresh air, think of how to get better grades, or get a snack to fuel your brain.

Consider studying together with your fellow students -  If the such style of studying suits you, then you can organize such groups or become a member of a group that already exists. 

Develop a study schedule -  If you are preparing for a test or writing a research paper, it would be wise to break down your work into small chunks and allot work to a specific time period. 

Take care of your health -  Make sure that your meals are nutritious, balanced, and varied because your brain needs fuel in order to be productive. Never miss breakfast before school.

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