SAT Math vs ACT Math: What's the Difference? 

Time Per Section -  The SAT allows more time per question for every section of the test,  whereas the ACT requires you to move faster through the questions. Additionally, the ACT has more questions than the SAT, but the SAT questions often require more lengthy reading and problem-solving 

The Science and Math Sections -  The ACT features a unique section: the science section. While both tests have sections devoted to reading and writing (called simply “English” for the ACT), the SAT features two mathematics sections (one with a calculator and one without), while the ACT features one math and one science section. 

Command of Evidence Questions -  The SAT includes a unique sub-section of the reading category that asks you evidence-support questions, and each question is in chronological order with the text it is referencing.  The ACT however does not have a subsection with evidence-support questions, and the questions are listed randomly in correspondence with the paragraph they reference. 

The Optional Essay or Writing Assignment -   For the SAT, a writing prompt will be given and you’ll be expected to dissect the issue without offering an opinion. It is an objective or fact-based assignment. The ACT however will offer a prompt that also asks for your personal opinion on the matter. 

SAT Overview - The SAT —  which originally stood for Scholastic Assessment Test and now is simply called the SAT — is a standardized test that evaluates a student’s critical skills and comprehension to determine how they might handle college-level courses. The test was originally created in 1926 and has gone through multiple revisions (the most recent was in 2016) to adjust to education levels, expectations, and technology. The test is owned, developed, and published by the College Board, a non-profit organization in the US. 

ACT Overview -  The ACT is an abbreviation of American College Testing, and this standardized test evaluates a student’s critical skills and comprehension to determine how they might handle college-level courses. Originally created in 1959, this test has gone through a few revisions and will soon be available to take online. The test is authored and administered by a non-profit organization in the US with the same name (ACT). 

ACT vs SAT Scores -  The starkest difference between these two standardized tests lies in their scoring models. Despite this, it is possible to compare and convert the score of one test to the other. It’s important to note that neither test penalizes for wrong answers.  

ACT to SAT Conversion For many students, the first thought they might have after taking the ACT or SAT is “how would I have done on the other test?” Although the two tests are a bit different and contain different questions, it is possible to compare your scores. But why convert your scores? Score conversion can be extremely helpful in determining which test you would be better at — especially if you take an SAT or ACT practice test before deciding. 

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