Role of Social Media in College Admission 

Deciding What to Post

What you post on social media is a representation of who you are. Consider your individual values in deciding what to post. Ask yourself, “Does this statement represent me the way I want to be represented?” 

Understanding Social Media Privacy

Social media platforms do a good job of creating a perception that what a person post is “private.” With private accounts, features like close friends, and alternative accounts,  people often have the idea that their presence online is private and only available to a select few.  

Manage Who You Follow

Review The People You Are Following And Consider Whether You Want Your Potential College To Associate You With Those Accounts. If The Answer Is No, It’s A Good Idea To Unfollow. 

Your social media presence can showcase your successes

Social media provides you with a plethora of opportunities to present your academic, extracurricular, and personal achievements. If you’ve won an award, presented an assignment for a school that you’re proud of 

Admissions officers can note your social media engagement with their school - Social media is a great place to showcase your interest in potential schools. If you’re particularly excited about a specific aspect of a prospective school 

College Admissions Decisions and Social Media

Before you apply to college is time to think about what your online presence tells viewers about you. Some colleges have confirmed they do take your social media presence into consideration during the college application process. 

5 Tips to Help Clean Up Your Social Media

What can you do to make sure your social media shows your best side? Try these 5 tips, so you can feel confident in how your social media presences reflect you. 


Your social media handles and usernames are the first thing someone sees on your profile, along with your profile picture. It’s ideal to use your own name for your social media usernames; it makes your presence more professional and easier to find. 

Take Control Of What People Can See

Make sure that your posts do not include anything that is a negative reflection of who you are, especially if you’ve had social media accounts since you were young.  

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