Online v/s Offline Classes Which is Best for School Students? 

Online Classes: 

Access to Resources: 

Online classes can provide access to a wide range of educational resources, including videos, interactive simulations, and digital textbooks. 

Self-Paced Learning: 

Some online platforms allow students to learn at their own pace, which can be particularly useful for students who grasp concepts quickly. 

Geographical Flexibility :

Online classes remove geographical barriers, allowing students to access quality education from anywhere with an internet connection. 

Offline Classes: 

Structured Environment: 

Offline classes provide a structured learning environment with fixed schedules, which can help students develop discipline and time management skills. 

Face-to-Face Interaction: 

Traditional classrooms offer face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, fostering social skills, and allowing immediate clarification of doubts. 

Hands-On Learning: 

Certain subjects or activities, such as science experiments, physical education, or art, may be better taught in an offline, hands-on setting. 

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