9 Ways to Plan Extracurricular Activities Online 

Organize virtual clubs or interest-based groups where students with similar passions can connect and engage. 

Virtual Clubs and Groups: 

Conduct webinars or online workshops on various topics of interest. Invite experts or professionals to share their knowledge and skills with the students. 

Webinars and Workshops:  

Organize online competitions such as quizzes, debates, essay writing, or talent shows. Recognize and appreciate the winners with certificates or prizes. 

Virtual Competitions:  

Create a platform where students can offer online tutoring or mentoring services to their peers. 

Online Tutoring or Mentoring: 

Conduct virtual sports or fitness sessions where students can participate in activities like yoga, dance, or workouts. 

Virtual Sports and Fitness Sessions:  

Showcase students' artistic talents through online art exhibitions and performances. 

Online Art Exhibitions and Performances: 

Facilitate online language exchange programs where students can connect with peers from different countries to practice and improve their language skills. 

Language Exchange Programs: 

Invite guest speakers from diverse fields to share their experiences and insights with the students. 

Virtual Guest Speakers: 

Engage students in online community service projects, such as fundraising campaigns, and awareness campaigns. 

Online Community Service Projects: 

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