9 Ways to Blow Your Job Interview

Arriving Unprepared: 

 Show up without researching the company or the job role. This demonstrates a lack of interest and initiative. 

Being Late:  

Arrive late to the interview without a valid excuse. Punctuality is a basic expectation and being late can create a negative first impression. 

Dressing Inappropriately:  

Wear clothing that is too casual or inappropriate for the industry. Your appearance should reflect a level of professionalism that aligns with the company culture. 

Speaking Negatively: 

 Complain about past employers or colleagues. Negative talk reflects poorly on your attitude and may raise concerns about your ability to work well with others. 

Exaggerating or Lying:  

Fabricate qualifications or exaggerate your achievements. This can be easily uncovered and damages your credibility. 

Avoiding Eye Contact:  

Refrain from making eye contact with the interviewer. Lack of eye contact can be interpreted as disinterest or lack of confidence. 

Interrupting the Interviewer:  

Interrupt the interviewer while they are speaking. This is disrespectful and can be perceived as a lack of communication skills. 

Failing to Ask Questions:  

When given the opportunity, avoid asking any questions about the company or the role. This suggests a lack of interest in the position. 

Neglecting Follow-Up: 

 Don't send a thank-you email after the interview. Failing to follow up can make you appear disinterested in the position. 

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