9 Surefire Ways to Read More Books in a Month

Read the words loudly -  Loud reading includes verbal and written comprehension methods. It also helps you with the processing of the words you are reading.

Select your level books -  Make sure to select the books of your reading age. In this way, you will be able to read most of the difficult words without any help.

Re-read the words to get fluency -  Re-reading the text lets you memorize the content and improve your comprehension.

Ask the questions related to the text you have read -  You can raise questions whenever you face a challenging situation or doubt your teachers.

Write the summary of your reading -  You have to summarise the story by differentiating the important points of the story and all the important information.

Identify the main idea of the text -  To understand the text, this is necessary to identify its main theme.

Use context clues -  By using context clues, you can deduce the main idea in the sentence. With this help, you can interpret the information in the passage.

Ask for help whenever needed -  If you are unclear about the passage’s information, ask for help from your friends, teachers, tutors, or experts.

Find the view and purpose of the text -  The narrator narrates every bit of the text while keeping a purpose in his mind.

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