9 Jobs for People Who Want to Save the World

A renewable energy specialist works to develop and promote sustainable sources of energy, such as wind, solar, and hydro power.

Renewable Energy Specialist:  

An environmental lawyer works to protect the natural world by advocating for environmental policies, filing lawsuits against polluters, and defending the rights of affected communities. 

Environmental  Lawyer:

A conservation biologist works to protect and restore endangered species and ecosystems through research, advocacy, and fieldwork. 

Conservation  Biologist:

A sustainable agriculture specialist helps to promote sustainable farming practices that protect the environment, preserve biodiversity, and support local communities. 

Sustainable Agriculture Specialist:

A green architect designs buildings and spaces that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, using sustainable materials and technologies. 

Green  Architect:

A clean water advocate works to protect and preserve our water resources, from rivers and lakes to oceans and aquifers. 

Clean Water Advocate:

An environmental educator helps to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable lifestyles through teaching and outreach programs. 

Environmental Educator:

A social entrepreneur uses business principles and innovation to address social and environmental challenges, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. 

Social Entrepreneur:

A climate change analyst studies the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, communities, and economies, and develops strategies for mitigating and adapting to these impacts. 

Climate Change Analyst:

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