10 College Costs Other Than Tuition and Housing

Course textbooks, study materials, and required supplies can add up significantly over the course of a semester or academic year. 

Books and Supplies:

If a meal plan is not included in housing costs, students need to budget for meals either on campus or off-campus. 

Meals and Dining:

Whether commuting to campus or traveling home during breaks, transportation costs, including fuel, public transportation fares, or airfare, should be accounted for. 


This category encompasses personal hygiene items, clothing, laundry, and other day-to-day necessities. 

Personal Expenses:

Many colleges require students to have health insurance coverage. Students  without coverage may need to purchase a plan through the college or independently. 

Health Insurance:

Laptops, software, printers, and other technology-related expenses are necessary for academic work. 

Technology and Electronics:

Some colleges charge additional fees for access to facilities, recreational activities, clubs, and events. These fees vary across institutions. 

Campus Fees:

If students choose to participate in study abroad programs, they should consider the additional costs associated with travel, housing, and living expenses in another country. 

Study Abroad Programs:

Certain courses, particularly those with laboratory components or specialized equipment, may require additional fees to cover materials or equipment usage. 

Laboratory or Course Fees:

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