9 Most Spoken Language In India

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Hindi  The language Hindi occupies the first place among the most spoken languages in India. Hindi is also the official language of India. The number of people in India using Hindi as their mother tongue, according to the census of 2011, has increased in the year 2011 when compared to the census of 2001. 

Bengali 9.72 speakers among the Indian population are using Bengali as their spoken language. The language Bengali is thus regarded as the second most spoken languages in India. Around 8.03% total population is using Bengali as the language.

Marathi  Marathi is belonging to the family of Indo- Aryan. Around 6.86% of the population is using Marathi as their official language. A total of 8.30 speakers are available for the language of Marathi. 

Telugu  The Dravidian language, Telugu, is widely spoken in India. Many states in India are using Telegu as their native tongue. The language is mainly used in the states like Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, and Telangana. 

Tamil  The Tamil language has its roots in the Dravidian Language. It is the official language of Singapore and Sri Lanka. The Tamil language is widely spoken in India. Around 6.90 people in India are speaking the Tamil language. 

Gujarati  The popular language Gujarati is spoken by more than 5.54 of the total population of India. Gujarati is the official language of Gujarat. The language is officially used by the state located in northwest India. The Gujarati language has evolved from the old Sanskrit language.

Urdu The number of Urdu speakers in India is high. There are around 5.07 crore people who speak the Urdu language. The language Urdu is regarded as the official language of India. Urdu is also the official language of states like Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Telangana, and Jharkhand.

Kannada  Kannada has been originated from the Dravidian language family. Around 4. 37 people are using the language across India. The Kannada language is also used in the land of the United States, Canada, and Australia. 

Odia Odia is the official language of many parts of India. Odia is the official language of Odisha state. Around 3.75 crore people are speaking Odia across the country.

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