Most practical way to score 95+ In any exam 

Plan in advance -  Don't wait for the last months to start preparing. Set a plan at least 6-7 months before the expected date of finals to get in touch with the subject regularly and get a proper understanding of the syllabus.

Keep the Exam Paper Neat -  It is advised to maintain legible handwriting on the answer sheet to ensure proper understanding by the examiner and mark you accordingly.

Identify areas of improvement -  Analyzing the chapters that would require more time and effort from your side will not only help you improve over time but also make you feel more prepared before the final day.

Follow a step-by-step approach - Focus on the key steps that helped you solve a question. Mentioning the steps that led you to your answer will fetch you full marks.

Solve Sample Papers -  Try to solve as many previous year question papers as possible to cross the overall preparation. First, read the NCERT book completely and then move on to solve other authors for comprehensive practice.

Don't stress too much -  Take one chapter at a time and practice from the beginning according to what is being taught in the classes. This will help you to learn easily and avoid any kind of stress by covering all the chapters till the end.

Practice Groups -  Study groups have proved to be quite effective as it gives a competitive edge to the group members which motivates them to perform better individually.

Doubt-Clearing Session -  Solving all your questions at the initial stage helps in scoring better while the chapters are taught effectively.

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