6 Most Peculiar Universities Events & Traditions In The World

Every year, the University of Chicago hosts a lively and humorous academic debate about the merits of latkes (potato pancakes) versus hamantashen (triangular pastries) as the superior food. 


University of Chicago, USA

At the University of St. Andrews, Raisin Monday is an annual celebration where older students, known as "parents," welcome new students, known as "children," into their academic family. 


University of St. Andrews, Scotland

The Bun Run is an unusual race that takes place during the University of Edinburgh's Raisin Weekend. Participants dress in eccentric costumes and attempt to complete a one-mile run while balancing a tray with a full cup of beer and a sticky bun. 


Bun Run - University of Edinburgh, Scotland:

The Trinity Ball is an annual black-tie event held at Trinity College Dublin. It takes place towards the end of the academic year and transforms the campus into a grand celebration. 


Trinity Ball - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland:

At Stanford University, a massive pillow fight takes place on "Full Moon on the Quad" night, which occurs during the first full moon of the fall quarter. Clad in pajamas and armed with pillows, students assemble on the Main Quad and engage in an exhilarating, feathery battle. 


Pillow Fight - Stanford University, USA

Streaking the Lawn is a long-standing tradition at the University of Virginia. On the last day of classes, students strip down to their birthday suits and dash across the university's historic Lawn. 


Streaking the Lawn - University of Virginia, USA:

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