9 Most Famous Indian Mathematicians of All Time


Aryabhata is widely regarded as one of the most influential mathematicians in Indian history. He also wrote a book called Aryabhatiya which covers a wide range of topics like trigonometry, algebra, and calculus. 

Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) 

Brahmagupta is known for his contributions to number theory, including his work on the Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity which is still used today. 

Brahmagupta (598 - 668 AD) 

Bhaskara II is known for his contributions to calculus and geometry. He made important contributions to the study of trigonometry and algebra. 

Bhaskara II (1114 – 1185 AD) 

Madhava is known for his contributions to calculus, including the discovery of the Madhava–Leibniz series which was the forerunner of the modern Taylor series. 

Madhava of Sangamagrama (1350 – 1425 AD) 

Ramanujan is known for his work in number theory and his ability to find new and innovative solutions to problems. 

Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887 – 1920 AD) 

Rao is known for his work in statistics, including the development of the Rao–Blackwell theorem and the Cramer–Rao bound. 

C. R. Rao (1920 – 2021 AD) 

Harish-Chandra is known for his work in mathematics and physics, including his contributions to the study of Lie groups and Lie algebras. 

Harish-Chandra (1923 – 1983 AD) 

Raychaudhuri is known for his work in general relativity, including the Raychaudhuri equation which describes the behavior of matter in a gravitational field. 

Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri (1923 – 2005 AD) 

Agrawal is known for his work in computer science, including the development of the AKS primality test which determines whether a number is prime or composite. 

Manindra Agrawal (born 1966 AD)  

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