10 Most Expensive Colleges In France

Sorbonne University  The Sorbonne University is a public, non-profit co-educational research university in France with the motto, "Builders of the future". In 2018, Paris-Sorbonne University merged with Pierre et Marie Curie University and several smaller institutions to form this university.

Paris-Saclay University  This is also a public research college located in Paris. It is the main center for research and various training in Paris-Saclay. This university is part of the project: Paris-Saclay which is being developed near Paris, on the plateau de Saclay. 

The University of Paris  The University of Paris is one of the public researchers at the University of Paris in France. In 1970, the University of Paris divided and as a result, two universities namely Paris Descartes (Paris V) and Paris Diderot merged to form the then-known university of Paris. 

University of Aix-Marseille (AMU)   AMU is a public research college in France located in the Provence region of Southern France. The university was called the University of Provence when it was first established through the petition of Louis II of Anjou, Count of Provence to the Pisan Antipope Alexander V. 

University of Montpellier  Regarded as one of the best colleges in France, this public research university is located in Montpellier, southeast of France. It is one of the oldest universities in the world established in 1220 (802 years ago).

The University of Strasbourg  The University of Strasbourg is located in Strasbourg, Alsace; France. With over 52,000 students, 2,265 doctoral students, and 3,300 researchers, it is one of France’s most prestigious public research colleges.

University of Bordeaux  The University of Bordeaux is a public university founded in June 1441 in France. It was newly established in January 2014 following the merger of three universities.  

Paris Sciences et Lettres Université   PSL Research University is a public research university in central Paris established in 2010 but formally became a university in 2019.

University of Lille (U Lille)  U Lille is a multi-disciplinary public university situated in Lille, Hauts-de-France. The University of Lille originated from the University of Douai in 1559.

 Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon/ENSL)   This university is a Grand Ecole located in the City of Lyon. It is one of the four prestigious Ecoles Normales Superieures colleges in France established in 1880 but became recognized properly in 2010.

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