Most Expensive Boarding Schools in the World 

This British boarding school is known for its prestigious education and has historically been among the most expensive in the world. 

The Leys School, Cambridge, UK: 

Le Rosey, located in Switzerland, is one of the world's most exclusive and expensive boarding schools. It offers a top-notch education in a beautiful Swiss setting. 

Château de Rosey, Switzerland: 

Nestled in the Swiss Alps, Aiglon College is known for its stunning location and comprehensive educational programs. 

Aiglon College, Switzerland: 

This Swiss boarding school offers a variety of academic and extracurricular programs and is known for its luxurious campus and high fees. 

Institut auf dem Rosenberg, Switzerland: 

As one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the United States, Lawrenceville is known for its rigorous academic programs and comprehensive facilities. 

The Lawrenceville School, New Jersey, USA: 

Andover is a highly regarded American boarding school with a long history of academic excellence. 

Phillips Academy Andover, Massachusetts, USA: 

Choate is known for its top-notch education and beautiful campus. 

Choate Rosemary Hall, Connecticut, USA: 

Eton College, located in the United Kingdom, is one of the most famous and expensive boarding schools globally, known for educating many members of the British elite. 

Eton College, UK:  

Harrow School in the UK offers a prestigious education with a high price tag. 

Harrow School, UK: 

Taft is known for its excellent education and comprehensive facilities. 

The Taft School, Connecticut, USA: 

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